Jumping Lunges

Jumping Lunges is a plyometric exercise that builds explosive strength in the quadriceps , hamstrings , glutes and calves . This dynamic movement is great for improving both balance and cardiovascular endurance , while also strengthening the legs.

Correct technique and execution

Follow these steps to perform Jumping Lunges with proper technique:

  1. Start in a deep lunge position, with one leg forward and the other behind, both knees bent at approximately 90 degrees.
  2. Use the power of your legs to jump straight up, switching legs in the air.
  3. Land softly back into a lunge position with the opposite leg forward.
  4. Immediately continue with the next jump, keeping your core engaged and your chest upright.

Common mistakes to avoid

To perform Jumping Lunges correctly, observe the following:

  • Unstable landing: Make sure to land with soft knees to reduce the stress on the joints.
  • Too small movements: Take big steps backwards to get the full effect of the exercise.
  • Lack of control: If you lose your balance, slow down or practice normal lunges first.

Modifications and variations

  • For beginners: Start with regular lunges without jumps to build basic strength and balance.
  • For advanced users: Try holding dumbbells to add extra resistance.
  • Pulse Variation: At the bottom of each movement, add small pulses to increase muscle activation.

Sets and repetitions

Perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side. If you want to focus on fitness, you can increase the repetitions or set a faster pace.

Breathing technique

To get the most out of the exercise, inhale as you land and exhale during the jump to generate power.

Video 1: Jumping Lunges with Female Performer

Video 2: Jumping Lunges Technique for Women

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